

zones and schedules | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

Zones and Schedules

Going Over Zones and Schedules Now, I’m gonna show you how to go over these zones and schedules part of your Hydrawise controller. If you’re using your phone, it’s gonna be just zones on that bottom task bar. So we have all your individual zones here. This were all the programming lies for your system.…

how to suspend unsuspend one zones | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

How to Suspend/Unsuspend One Zone

How to Suspend/Unsuspend One Zone This is how you suspend the entire system for your Hydrawise controller. Got this gear up here while we’re on the home page, bottom option is suspend all zones. If I can pick this, it becomes a calendar. Pick whatever date I want, you go months, you can go a…

how to suspend unsuspend all zones | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

How to Suspend/Unsuspend All Zones

How to Suspend/Unsuspend All Zones This is how you suspend the entire system for your Hydrawise controller. Got this gear up here while we’re on the home page bottom option is suspend all zones. If I can pick this, it becomes a calendar. Pick whatever date I want, you go months, you can go a…

how to run one zone | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

How to Run One Zone

How to Run One Zone This is how you run one zone on your Hydrawise controller. While you’re on the home page, you have all your icons here. Going to hit the one that you want to run, this is all manual. You would press the green play button. I can either hit start and…

how to run all or multiple zones | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

How to Run All or Multiple Zones

Run All or Multiple Zones This is how you run the entire system or multiple zones on your Hydrawise controller. While you’re on the home page, you got this gear right up here, hit that. Top option is run all zones, hit that. Now, you can either just hit run now and that’s how you…

reviewing reports and watering triggers | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

Reviewing Reports and Watering Triggers

Reviewing Reports and Watering Triggers Now we’re gonna go over the report section of your Hydrawise controller. If you are on the app, on the bottom taskbar, 4th one from the right should be Reports and this is what it’ll look like, it’ll be.You want to be on the watering schedule, should be schedules and…

going through the home page | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

Going Through the Home Page

Going Through the Home Page Okay, right now we’re gonna go through the home page of your Hydrawise controller. You see, we got these icons right here and some weather information here. These icons represent the individual zones for your irrigation system. If you ever wanted to turn one on manually, you would just hit…

how to edit a schedule | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

How to Edit a Schedule

Edit a Schedule This is how you add a schedule for your irrigation system on your Hydrawise controller. You must get to the zones and schedules part of the app. If you’re using your phone on the bottom taskbar, it’ll just say zones. Up here when you get here, it will say Program start times.…

how to edit a zone on a hydrawise controller | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

How to Edit a Zone (on a Hydrawise Controller)

How to Edit a Zone (on a Hydrawise Controller) This is how you edit zones and where you could do multiple zones on your Hydrawise controller. You must get to the zones and schedule part of the app. If you’re using your phone on the bottom taskbar just going to say zones and then you’ll…

how to connect your hydrawise controller | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

How to Connect Your Hydrawise Controller

How To Connect Your Hydrawise Controller Today, I’m going to show you how to connect your Hydrawise irrigation controller to WiFi. So, right now we’re on the home screen. Hit settings, wireless. You hit wireless name hit confirm on whatever the name is, and then you would type in the password that one’s already in.…

how to reboot hydrawise controller | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

How to Reboot Hydrawise Controller

Today we’re going to show you how to reboot your Hydrawise irrigation controller. Now, sometimes the controller isn’t working well, it’s not connecting the WiFi. You know, WiFi has good signal in the area, and sometimes it just needs a little reboot. So how you do that is you go to Settings, then you hit…

factory default your hydrawise irrigation controller | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

Factory Default Your Hydrawise Irrigation Controller

Factory Default Your Hydrawise Irrigation Controller Today we’re going to show you how to factory default your Hydrawise irrigation controller. Sometimes when you’re setting it up and you feel that you’ve made too many mistakes or you just want to wipe the slate clean, this is how you would do that. We go to settings,…

Adjusting a Rotor Head

adjust rotor head | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

Adjust Rotor Head

Adjusting the Rotor Head Today I’m gonna show you how to adjust a Hunter Rotary head using this little key. So let’s come over here. So you got two holes here.This front hole adjusts length of spring and this left hole adjusts left rotation. We use the metal part of this key, put it in…

Pro C

how to set hunter pro c seasonal adjstmnts | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

How to Set Hunter Pro-C Seasonal Adjustments

How to Set Hunter Pro C Seasonal Adjustments Now we’re going to show you how to set the seasonal adjust of your Hunter Pro-C irrigation controller. Now the seasonal adjust is a percentage. Right now, if I turn the dial we’re going to go 4 to the left backwards. It’s at a 100%. That percentage…

how to set pro c date time | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

How to Set Pro C Date & Time

This is how to change the date and time of your Hunter Pro-C irrigation controller. Turn the dial to the right where it says date/time, any time something is flashing all that means is that’s what you’re able to change at that time. You have the plus and minus key here. Plus key to go…

how to set pro c start times thumnail | American National Sprinkler & Lighting

How to Set Pro C Start Times

How to Set Pro-C Start Times Now we’re going to show you how to set or change the start times for your hunter Pro-C irrigation controller. Now the start time is when the system starts operating. So that means that whatever time you set it at zone 1 will pop up, run for X amount…

How To Set Pro C Manual Single Station | American National

How to Set Pro C Manual Single Station

How to Set Pro C Manual Single Station Now we’re going to show you how to manually run one station on your Hunter Pro-C Irrigation Controller. Now, when you do this, it will not affect any of your normal schedule programming.  It will just run that specific zone this one time. You turned the dial…


Talk To A Professional Today

Our system continues to work great, and we always appreciate getting the phones calls to let us know when it is time to schedule the opening and the closing of our system. Andres and his partner do a terrific job putting our system to bed in the fall, and opening it up again in the spring, noting any work that might need to happen before we can begin to water again the next season.

Erica Regunberg Avatar Erica Regunberg
October 16, 2019